Group Leaders
Jeff & Leighann Lucas
Jeff & Leighann have been at ember since the beginning. They have two daughters – Carleigh and Molleigh. Jeff works at Comporium in Rock Hill and Leighann is part owner of Black’s Drug Store in Chester. When they are not at work they a
re constantly pouring their lives into others. Jeff and Leighann oversee our Kingdom Kids ministry here at ember and every Sunday you will find them pouring truth and love into those kids, as if they were their own.

Jeff & Leighann also lead a small group that they prefer to call family, instead of a small group. This group is a combination of various family sizes – some families with children and some families without children. Anyone is welcome. This group doesn’t focus on a Bible study or a book study per say. They eat and fellowship together – sharing life in every sense of the word. Their group focuses on a heart of thankfulness for the blessings God has given to each of them. They meet bi-weekly on Sunday evenings. Contact Jeff 803-374-0855 or Leighann 803-899-9292 to learn more or to let them know you’d like to check out their group.